Shaun over at Prostituted Thoughts says...
"Have you guys heard about 365 Black? McDonald new attempt to celebrate the being of African Americans. I am just discovering it with through the help of SteelCloset. Cas, one of there writers there talks about a "lack of tact." Well...to put it simply, I'm offended. I am well aware that McDonalds has a minority agency (if not multiple) that does some hardcore minority focused work. I gave them a pass for the ridiculousness that was the R&B Themed 10 Piece Nugget spot. I actually laughed with them. I looked the other way for the double fist pump. I said to myself, "If they think this is the way to Market to Minorities...good luck to them." But this 365 Black initiative rocks the boat a little too much in my opinion. Is that really Keith Sweat talking about sharing his love of Chicken McNuggets? Is the love of Chicken McNuggets what you mean when you say, We Are Deeply Rooted In the Community? Who cares if Laurie Anne Gibson, a dancer from a reality know best for sayin "BOOM-BOOM-CAT" and being fired by Diddy worked at McDonalds?"

At McDonald's®, we believe that African-American culture and achievement should be celebrated 365 days a year — not just during Black History Month. That's the idea behind 365Black.com. It's a place where you can learn more about education, employment, career advancement and entrepreneurship opportunities, and meet real people whose lives have been touched by McDonald's. Plus, you can also have a chance to win exciting once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. So make sure you visit often — you just might get inspired."

The ad above is a spoof. But this idea in general is a gross idea and it upsets all of my sensibilities. And I have alot of those things. And no, my sensibilities are not rooted deeply in the community of Chicken McNugget lovin.
Black-jacked entirely from Prostituted Thoughts
Now personally, I'm not offended by 365Black and when I first saw it years ago I thought it was a good concept. Let's hope they keep pushing it to be better and better. https://sites.google.com/site/mayuradocs/PinIt.png
365 Black has been around for many years. It was launched through McDonald’s and Burrell. It’s the (stereo)typical attempt by advertisers to position themselves as progressive all year versus just during Black History Month and MLK Day. Budweiser has a similar effort. Allstate also does it via the contrived “Isn’t it time to take the Month out of Black History Month?” If these advertisers really wanted to show respect, they would properly fund the targeted advertising versus presenting these patronizing messages (which likely receive minimal budgets). Or just give Blacks free Chicken McNuggets.
That's real talk!
It’s all just a step beyond this
I used to work at McDonalds when I was 16 y/o. Is that why I'm not offended by the ad with the dancer who says she used to work there?
The rest of it does strike me as patronizing.
dude take a pill...jeez.. yes its a little bizarre, but your spoof ad is a little over the top
Just saw a McDonald's commercial about their new flavor battle. WOW OFFENSIVE.
I saw this ad or the first time earlier today. I'm white with a blended son. I was offended. Im not offended in the way that says McDonalds hates white people, but I'm offended that they would even dare to use such a name for their site. 365black? What is it supposed to mean? You are black all the time? All black all the time? I mean really. It's racially offensive, demeaning and cheap. Why not call it "celebrateblack.com"? Wouldn't that be better? I can't even think about the content of the site 'cause I can't get past the name. I can't decide which is worse, this or Moo Latte from Dairy Queen. How do people get paid to create this advertising crap?
Bee I think you're having an argument of semantics. 365 is just a 'slang' term like 24/7. After the insult for years of not being included in american history and being belittled in every other way this is just one attempt to offset the shortchanging of African American culture. It's been long noted and derided in the black community that black history month is the shortest month of the year and the history of the rest of the world is taught in school everyday of the school year.
Yawn* at Anonymous: German/Native American above.
No one is asking for reparations here. Nor are they being racist against White people.
Hate to break the news to you, but White people benefit from Section 8 housing, Food Stamps, Welfare, WIC, Food for Families, Discounted Utilities, Free Uniforms and Supplies for school too. You're no better than anyone else.
Now be a good little German-Indian and go buy a Happy Meal. It just might put a smile on your racist face.
If we all Just stop eating this garbage they will disappear.
Do not enable them! Ever!
The heart of macdonalds is you
The consumer.
To the guy that yawns on a post. Please tell me, what are the percentages of the races that use welfare? How about this one 17% of Americas population is black. 50% of the prison population are blacks. Take responsibility for your own actions and rely only on yourself. All this type of advertising just reinforces separation. Look at Morgan Friedman's view on black history month, excellent point are made. Who knows you might change you narrow minded whites are responsible for all the black mans problems view. Remember you would still be in Africa if your own African tribes never sold you to the whites. Last time I checked Africa isn't doin so well.
Blacks are not special. There ARE apart of the everyday history they are not writen out so why do they feel they need there own month is beyond me. If whites were to be given their own month I'm sure there would be an uprising. We EQUAL lets start acting like it. How about everyone stops asking for more, more, more from everyone else and start doing something for yourselves.
At least it wasn't kfc?
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