
And now an anonymous comment on CP+B & Diversity

I always say a blog can live or die by it's comments and some days I could go on life support for lack of them. But, emails, I get scads of juicy, unrepeatable emails. I understand folks wanna keep their jobs and can't be walking around practicing free speech and what not. It says a lot about the true racial climate, does it not?

But here's a comment from one brave anonymous soldier as a response to the Crispin, Porter + Bogusky show "Fearless Q+A" show on diversity in advertising:

"Here's the thing. CPB has been successful maintaining a predominately white's only culture for a long time. What would be the incentive for them to now change things up, and allow for diversity. Mr. Bogusky offered no explanation as to why his agency 700+ was almost all white. Mr. Bogusky gave no details on any diversity program he was planning to implement now or in the near future. Mr. Bogusky also seems not interested in joining the MG. Project. What I found disturbing is most agencies act like this. To them, their not at fault at all. They wont offer any solutions besides saying "we hire asians" or we have a internship program. But he's on their rocking a help haiti shirt acting like he actually gives a damn. Hes up their giving lincoln advice, but what is he doing? hypocrisy at its finest. Their no excuse for "we cant find talent". Theirs the 4a's, MGproject, Mosiac, adcolor etc. If they want to find qualified candidates of color they can, they just don't care too."

... and they call me the crazy one, a rebel, a trouble maker!

Mookie n 'Nem say...
While this emailer's heart is in the right place, he or she should have been more brief and to the point. He or she should have simply pointed out what CPB stands for: Colored People Banned.

Dammit Mookie! You shol' keeps it trill!


Kwesi Amuti said...

The thing about that comment is that it "holds water"...I just finished watching the clip and found it a bit disingenuous on the host's part...Bogusky seems to be a nice guy but his success as well as the success of those 700+ milling around in the background of the video (didn't really catch anyone of color back there...just saying...) rests on the very establishment and maintenance of a workforce that systematically lacks in diversity yet paradoxically gains most of its fame and revenue by taking/reprocessing the culture of and then advertising to those they "may" systematically exclude from their employee rosters...

It seemed as though they got Mr. Steffens and Mr. Scott in there to talk about diversity for just a "serious minute" before they went back to the everyday minutiae of CP+B's programming bikes in Dallas...C'mon, seriously yo?

It almost felt like that week of black history that you get in elementary school*...where they would gloss over African American history, the teacher would wear a dashiki and wooden beads and cap it off with a slideshow of Alex Haley's Roots...Note to the younger readers...Black History didn't always have a month...ask around...

The question I would want to ask the anonymous soldier is "Are you shocked that Bogusky was like that on the webcast?" or even better still "Do you really think that an industry that chooses to turn a blind eye to diversity would halt their 'long train' of business as usual because some of the people (that they already disregard) are complaining?" and lastly, "Since the industry seems disingenuous about their efforts to diversify...What are you going to do to stop this from happening or on a grander scale what steps can we all take to bring them to "our table" on our terms"...

Anonymous said...


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