There's a new Colt 45 can design and advertising. The corner store mainstay is changing it's spots. It seems to be selling (read dealing) itself to a different crowd (if you know what I mean). Is there a new slogan too? "Colt 45 not just for blacks anymore!" It looks like they are servin' the brothers up some old school Billy D. ish. So maybe instead of calling it crack I should call it canned meth, eh?
More on this "beverage" here. https://sites.google.com/site/mayuradocs/PinIt.png
Yeah I saw this coming...I didn't know Olde English was coming back as well...if you are in ATL check out the billboards that they have...caught one on Moreland going south past Hosea Williams Dr...Kinda abstract but I still get the "message"...the flipside of that billboard is even more blatant with the slogan "Get it Poppin'!" for another hood brew company...
Anon, I am in Atlanta, I'll keep an eye out for it. Thanks for the tip!
It's kind of...trying too hard. Also, who is the guy on the can on the far right?
I'm with you RMJ, good point they are looking like post poser pimps. It looks like the guy on the end can is some kind of colt 45 deliver man.
We'll see if the Seattle hipsters buy it instead of their Pabst.
Chris, that would be interesting to see. I doubt it though.
worked on malt liquor brand. here's some research: malt liquor most popular with low-income minorities and college students. it remains a cheap, high-octane buzz.
The capitalist in me say, "a market is a market..." Why should the brothers be the only ones who get to enjoy this wonderful product?
For anyone that's interested, the artist's name is Jim Mahfood (he's been one of my favorite comic book artists for a while now). What an odd coincidence that his URL has always been 40ozcomics.com.
Thanks Lee, for the linkl!
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