Why does anyone think this 70's icon (Lady Sings the Blues, Mahogany), 80's comeback (Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi)and 90's cameo appearance star (In living Color) should be in these ads again? Who's the intended audience for malt liquor these days? I cast no aspersion on Billy D. William. I love him. This man had (I hate you use this word) s-s-swagger (there, got it out) before we knew what it was and his picture should appear in the wikipedia posting of the aforementioned term ( I use the term 'term' loosely). But I remember there was some outrage for years when he first got his first contract or paycheck for... I mean, decided to endorse this smooth tasting soul drain-o libation. I'm happy one of my favorite actors is getting a little kick-back, but at what cost? I've seen the ravages of alcohol on many communities and the low cost high proof brands are the worst. But I guess it still 'goes down smoooth' for some marketers and with a slogan like 'it works every time' you just have to give a go one more time. Maybe it will be successful but, "success is nnnnothing without someone you love to share it with!!"
Let's think of Mr. Williams as he is today, an artist and a gentleman.

"I call my paintings 'Abstract Reality'. Sometimes I refer to them as 'Impressions/Expression'. It's the best way I can explain them." Come in and view our different gallery rooms.

Thanks HighJive for reminding me and asking the question, "Why does he look like he did in the eighties in those ads?" https://sites.google.com/site/mayuradocs/PinIt.png
Well, I can see what you are saying and I'm down. But my problem with the hold thing is he's on a big behind billboard holding a can of Colt 45. If I drank Colt 45, I sure wouldn't want anyone to find out.
LOL, MR, I'll never tell. I may have given it away with my 'smooth tasting' comment in the post.
Are these for real? Why does Billy Dee look like he did in the 80s? BTW, you ought to do a post on his artwork.
This is funny, and interesting.
I'm a commercial/advertising photographer in St. Louis, so my life revolves around advertising. These ads are EVERYWHERE in St. Louis (I know exactly where the second picture was taken - on S. Grand in South City).
Anyhow, this is funny because I was just recently talking to my lady about these ads. Interesting because I was quite curious as to who their (Pabst Brewing Company) target audience was. Are young progressives like myself checking for some smooth Colt 45? I'm not quite sure about that. And if they were trying to target my demo, why are they using Billy Dee? Isn't he like 142yrs. old? Seriously, the only people I've ever seen, EVER seen drinking Colt are homeless individuals. I suspect that has something to do with the price-point. I just thought that Pabst was spending a lot of ad money on these campaigns.
Cool art work. The adds definitely catch your attention, but I don't think I'll be drinking Colt 45 no matter how much ad space they buy up. The direction and cost just seem quite wrong for a brand that has pretty much sold itself, to the same demographic, for the last 20-something years.
Thanks. I know this is a long, but it was sooooo close to home a had to add my 25 cents.
p.s. I love this blog! Thank you.
What's Up, C-Money?
This is the “EPITOME” of recession [a period of reduced economic activity] advertising! Things that we need in this day & age…Billy promoting Colt 45 {because he was the only “celeb” that could sell the brand as ”smooth”…and they need money…Two…Colt 45 is the “GAS” to your “liquid courage”…poor…rich…middle class…or otherwise. Not to mention it's cheaper than “FUEL” for your car. Who wouldn't rather fuel themselves than their car…
Levalentino, what are youuuuu drinking?
Just to be clear, the Billy Dee OOH seems odd because it’s such a contrast to the mass market campaign for Colt 45. Is the Billy Dee work from a Black shop?
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