The hardest working man in show business' play cousin a.k.a. advertising
I've been getting request for more of this "Ad Creator" Series. It seems people need to see more of who's in the ad and design game. I completely understand that. It wasn't until I actually saw a black person in this business did I, 1) know that black people did this and 2) believe that I could do this too. So I found this guy, Dana Satterwhite. Man! He's worked for everybody and has done just about every ad known to man. What I really love is the diversity and range of his work. We do it all.

Here's some of his bio and work. It seems there is not room enough on the www to show all of his work.
Upon graduating from SUNY Binghamton in ’92, he went on to apprentice with a graphic designer for two years before attending the School of Visual Arts where he took his first course in advertising. An instant apostle, he traded New York for Boston where he enrolled in a Marketing and Advertising graduate program at Emerson College.

The completion of an internship afforded him an entry-level position in the studio of a 300-person agency, at the time, Arnold, Lawner, Fortuna, and Cabot, now Arnold Worldwide. He spent his days building mechanicals and completing basic design work for Blue Cross Blue Shield, Fleet bank, McDonalds, Playskool, and The Hartford. Within months, he was working on the Volkswagen account and eventually became an integral part of the development of several successful brand campaigns.

In late April 2003, Dana returned to New York to creatively heralded London-based agency, Bartle Bogle Hegarty before going on to pursue freelance copywriting, creative consulting, and client-direct work.

Agencies: Arnold Worldwide, Bartle, Bogle, Hegarty, and Gearon Hoffman and worked for DDB, Footsteps, Hill Holliday, J. Walter Thompson, Mullen, Ogilvy and Mather, Sanders Wingo, McCann Erikson, and Wieden + Kennedy among others... (Are their others?)
Awards and recognition: All of them MF'ers! (if I listed them all it might intimidate some brother into leaving the industry.

See more of Dana's prodigious workload here, although it may be easier to find the three ads he didn't do. Props to Dana. Everybody else you're not doing it right! https://sites.google.com/site/mayuradocs/PinIt.png
Wow! This is great. Dana is actually my husband and I'd like to add that he's also a wonderful, giving person and a pro with his new baby girl. :)
Thanks for showing love to the greatest guy I know!
You should be proud! The man is amazing, a good spirit always shines through. Congrats on the new baby and the world gets even better!!!
Wow! I really don't know what to say other than "thank you."
Thank you, Craig, for taking the time to acknowledge me, my work, my colleagues, and my perspectives.
Thank you, Kristen, for being my number one fan, as I am yours.
The short, sweet About KMBA section at the top of this site pretty much says it all. Great work can be created by anyone.
I have had the fortune of being led, encouraged, and heard by a lot of really smart, visionary people. A huge shout to them as well.
I appreciate the nod, always, and hope I can continue to create work that adds to the world and doesn't pollute, dilute, or otherwise take away from it.
This site—one which raises us up rather than cuts us down—is a welcome addition to the conversation.
Thank you for that as well.
Kudos to you, Dana!!! We are soooo very proud of you for your accomplishments, contributions, and for being the great man who you are!!! -With utmost sincerity, your lucky sister, Kelli
Hey Dana,
Man you deserve every bit of the props and some. You're a creative genius and I thank you for all that you've done when I've called on you. Congratulations ..
This is wonderful, Dana. I already know why you're so great: you come from great parents, especially your mom who has inspired me for many years. So it's no surprise you grew to be so creative and can now inspire others. By the way, I LOVE the name of this Blog.
Dear Mr. Brimm,
Thank you for the wonderful accolades paid to our son, Dana. It serves to inform others of what we, his parents, have always known. He is extremely talented, has great moral values and a superior personal work ethic combined with the utmost humility.
He knows well that the road to success is made of hard work, bypassing useless short cuts, and a fervent love for what you do.
What a legacy to his new daughter, Shea.
With gratitude,
Harry and Bernice Satterwhite
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