
A Religious Storm is Brewing Over Best Buy's Black Friday Ads

John Biggs
Monday, November 23, 2009
Here it comes: Best Buy ran a national Black Friday ad inviting the world to celebrate Thanksgiving and Eid Al-Adha, the Muslim festival of sacrifice. Fair enough, right? Happy Eid! Well, take a gander at the ad up there and brace yourself.Look closely. You'll probably miss the good will and wishes, they're so innocuous.

I think it's the right thing to do. Kudos to Best Buy for extending a hand to the Muslim community, it's long over due. It's American capitalism at it's greedy best! Some right-wingers have their klan robes man panties all in a frilly bunch over this. I guess they don't understand it's a pretty crowded world out there and get this news flash... there are a bunch of different people inhabiting the planet! I know it comes as quite a revelation for some.  Oh God, why'd you make so many flavors?


Citizen Ojo said...

Best Buy is trying to get that money. They don't care who it comes from. Conservatives are mad?? Really?? ha ha ha

Craig said...

LOL, it's like they just woke up.