I'm not making this up. A company in Germany has just introduced a line of snacks called "Obama Fingers": frozen chicken fingers with curry dip. To American ears this carries an offensive racial connotation Should the Germans have known better? https://sites.google.com/site/mayuradocs/PinIt.png
Not sure about the Germans, but I'm Dutch and the only reason I know that there's a racist connotation to fried chicken is because I read about it on American blogs.
As far as I know, "fried chicken", like you would get at KFC, is just an "American" thing in Europe. Not a "black" thing. But I'm white, so it's possible I'm just ignorant about the connotations.
Obama chicken fingers...with some Obama white-in-dark puddinpops from your previous post for an after dinner treat. Yum yum!
Thanks Wendy good insight.
PPR, I'm not awaiting the full meal deal.
Not sure Wendy’s comment is valid. It’s always tough to say. Obama has certainly inspired the entrepreneurs worldwide. Obama sock monkey? No. Obama coins and plates? OK. Obama Lava Lamp? Whatever. Why fried chicken fingers? Why not Obama strudel or Obama beer? Look at the Germans’ track record. Hey, how about Obama tracksuits? Doesn’t look good.
can i say "those germans know exactly what they are doing."?
or am i being a horrible person?
At least his face or caricature is not on it...
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