Ooooooooooooooooh! Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!
What level of f*ckery lurks here???
NNNNNNNNNNNNNNope! I aint gonna touch it. You already know how I feel. I think I just made a minor shittle...
...in my pants.
one, warm little... shitlet.
Excuse me, I have to go potty.
Voskhod, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Creative Director: Andrey Gubaydullin
Art Director / Illustrator: Vlad Derevyannykh
Copywriters: Aleksandr Parkhomenko, Evgeny Primachenko https://sites.google.com/site/mayuradocs/PinIt.png
ugh. it is waaaaaaay too early for this crap.
No. They. Didn't.
And should I be extra offended that the thing is covered in nuts of some sort?
Fg & PPR, I feel you both.
i knew you would jump on that!!!
Shaun, did you notice my restrain, i'm getting better.
Is it me or do they think that Obama being in office is a joke...
Now I know if this were an official of any race in this country it would be treated with respect, honor and reverence...Would you even hear about Putin-Pops(Russia) or Castro Club Crackers(Cuba)or even the Reagan Rigatoni...however this ad and the other myriad of ridiculous Obama-themed products really disturb me...
I mean on the surface they look "cute" and stunningly insulting at the same time...sort of like fur covered brass knuckles...but on the back end it does speak about a few things that are bigger issues that have yet to be addressed. One of them is the respect that should be paid to a prominent world official who's policies could have beneficial or damning consequences to all of us...an example could be how they refer to President Obama as Mr. Obama in sereval instances...I know the two can be interchangable but using the latter rather than calling him Mr. President (which he deserves) smacks of disrespect...almost like calling your father by his first name...and I don't know anyone who has done that and didn't pick themself off the floor an hour later. The second and I'm guessing more relevant to this blog question would be our struggle to change the perception of those of us of the African Diaspora in advertising, marketing and product placement. The fearful question I ask about that is...If this is the type of stuff they put out from other countries...and this is our president mind you...how do you think they perceive the rest of "us"?
Sorry to get all "Rorschach" on ya'll...but everything is funny until they start laughing a little to hard...at you...
Don’t know if this affects your reaction. Probably not.
kwesi, all valid amd great points.
there is a double entendre indeed,and it is very serious. but to your point of using high ranking political figures as puns and jokes in advertising. this is not a first. and there has been far worse, i promise you. i think in general there is alot of international support for obamas success. and there is certainly a level of respect that is obviously seen throughout all of the cultured media outlets and people. but there will always be hatred and misunderstanding for us a people, because people do not know us as a people. whether the care to get to know us...that's a whole nother story.
taking this ad from russia and laughing at it, is not the end of the world. being reluctant and recluse with our thoughts and opinions is just as bad as not saying anything at all. this is an ad from russians, who decided they would try to profit of of the popularity of a man that is well known. point blank. it is not the be all and end all of the african american disapor in advertising and marketing. there is a far grater disconnect at hand than this ad. and believe me, the "cuteness" is not scrambling my opinion (as I am black).
it's a ridiculous ad. and even worse, it's a bad ad.
Hey HighJive...that link does affect my opinion a little...and Shaun...your points are excellent as well...Maybe I'm looking to hard at this but with the onslaught of "bootleg" Obama merchandise and unauthorized tie-ins(I got links if you need them)it's a little hard to see if it's all in fun or are we the joke...
Wait a minute...it's Friday why am I so damn serious!
You are right. And we’re in for a lot more of this stuff in the next four years. Maybe it will do some good, if it gets people to think. I’m just trying to gauge the severity case by case, trying to determine the motivations behind it all. For example, the German fried chicken fingers and NY Post chimp cartoon were bad. No way around it. This Russian thing, it’s tough to say. When Obama was elected, every news source in America and beyond opened their story with, “The First Black/African American in the White House.” So the Russian creative team hatched a dumb comparison. I put this ad closer to the Indiana Casino spot from an earlier post here. A few years ago, Bob Garfield of Ad Age expressed shock and horror because American Idol’s Randy Jackson was a spokesman for Oreo cookies. Garfield saw racism that just wasn’t there, imho. In the end, I’ve always argued that no one can dictate whether or not someone should or shouldn’t be offended by something, as it’s always a very personal thing. But in the case of the Russian ad, I think it’s important to at least realize someone did a bad translation. Judge the real piece, not somebody’s interpretation, if that makes any sense.
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