
Ted "Golden Voice" Williams delivers the cheese

Kraft lays it on thick. Kudos to Kraft for both giving the brother work and recognizing you can co-opt a viral wave and ride it till the proverbial wheels fall off or the cheese browns. This should be fun to watch. Because if you notice Mr Williams voice transports you back to the seventies by general market standards or the early 80's by African American voice-over standards. With his velvety smooth oration nicely modulated and neatly shoe-horned onto the end of this spot; I felt myself waiting for the animated Soul Train logo to come chugging along next. But in a good way, the voice is very mellow and calming, like -- like -- comfort food, yeah,  that'll work. I hope this lasts forever or two weeks which is the equivalent in internet time.

Best wishes to Ted and his family!


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