
Advertising Trend: Man's Men

It's that time again kids! Time to watch the copycat train move full speed ahead with no sign of stopping in sight. How many more manly man ads will the big ads shops push out. It's like 'Frat-boys Gone Wild' or Man on Man ad porn or the self-absorbed absorbing themselves into one big mobius comic strip. This is some serious self suck. At what point will the this latest ad trend end.

It's always easy to for the men who write and art direct these ads to create the concepts because the formula is: always - always overstate a man's positives and you have instant comedy! It's such a creative cop-out, it's like that answer you give in interviews when they ask, "what's your biggest flaw?" And you answer, "I care too much" or "I'm a homeless workaholic, d-do ya mind if I work late a lot?"

Have you seen any more man ads lurking around that I may have missed?


Jennifer said...

Now that you mention it, I guess there is a surplus of man's men on tv all of a sudden. Part of me feels like the "positives" that are being overstated are perceived positives probably by the men who create these. Maybe they are an answer/revolt to the softer side of guys that has gotten some play (like the ad with the dad cheering with his daughter or the Snickers diva commercials). I'll have to pay more attetnion!

Jae Xavier said...

They should do one of Chuck Norris.

"Chuck Norris once kicked a horse in the chin. Its descendants are known today as Giraffes."

Craig said...

Jae, I love a good Chuck Norris joke! I think Chuck would be an excellent addition to the Manly meme.

For the record I find most of these spots amusing and memorable.

@Jen, so true maybe I need to follow up on the 'meager men' or the 'merely men' meme as well.

Anonymous said...

Rather cool site you've got here. Thank you for it. I like such themes and everything connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.

Hilary Simpson

Anonymous said...

Pretty cool place you've got here. Thanx for it. I like such themes and anything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read more soon.

Bella Kuree