
Illustrator: Robert Trujillo

"Trust Your Struggle" was created by Miguel "Bounce" Perez, no esta mi. His work can be seen here:

my name is Robert Trujillo. I’m an Illustrator from Oakland California, currently residing in Brooklyn, NY. Who am I? I’m an art educator for various non-profit organizations across the Tri-state area. Much of the advice, help, and inspiration I received as an artist was passed down to me by older artists, so I make it my life’s work to not only create art but to show young people how to do it as well. I’m a full time student attending Parsons (New School) in New York and the work you see here is a mixture of published and personal illustrations.



Stan said...

he has very nice work! I'd love to see him do a graphic novel.

Linking back to your site

Craig said...

WHAt up Stan! Dude is lovely wit it. I saw something out there like a graphic novel but couldn't find the rest of it. I'll see if I can get it.

Robert Trujillo said...

Yo Thanks Mr. Brimm! Im very honored. Slight request though-the graphic that reads "Trust Your Struggle" (My crew) was created by Miguel "Bounce" Perez, no esta mi. His work can be seen here:, def holler at him some time or other.

Thx Stan!!!!!-I got Three Graphic novels in the works!