
Rick James is... The Hulk!?

The talk bubble reads, "Good Lord, That Brotha's turning into some kind huge green-skinned monster -- And it's SUPER FREAKY!! LOL.

Years ago some one said, "we need to sell more of these hulk comics...

...Rick James!!!"

I don't know how the hell you get there?


shaun. said...

5 minute long chuckle. thats what this post caused me to do.

you know the more and more you think about a probable laugh harder. yeah, that was me.

Craig said...

Oh, the inanity!

"we need to sell more of these hulk comics...

...Rick James!!!"

I don't know how the hell you get there?

Rebecca V. O'Neal said...

I would have loved to be a fly on a wall at that brainstorming session.

Craig said...

RVO'N, this is just nutty.