
Hot on Twitter right now: Microsoft Photoshop debacle

Buh-bye Black guy.

What it was for the Poland version of the ad.


Patricia said...

This is reminding me of when my Polish roommate told me Polish people were racist..awkward conversation? yep I'd say it was..

Craig said...

PG, wow, just like that? She just came out and said that? I'm sure you handle it with your usual politeness and tact. It's an Island thing. ; )

Stan said...

I bet they wish they could do that around the entire world smh

Do you know what was the reasoning behind "replacing" the Black guy?

Craig said...

Stan, I don't know. There are very few good reasons. They may have thought there were too few Black people in Poland? Note: the Asian guy made the cut.

golublog said...

That's some awkward fake head placement.

Craig said...

golublog, and it's just the head! That's the funny part.

Anonymous said...

Very disturbing. On top of that he's light-skinned too. lol.-damn

But lets take this a step further. If they are willing to photoshop black people out of the corporate boardroom, what do you think they do in terms of hiring black people in advertising/corporate america. If they hate seeing images of black people in roles of prominence, why the hell would they hire them.

Speaks to a lot of white fears of having people of color in important meetings etc. A lot are extremely uncomfortable seeing images of people of color in suits and ties. Blacks are feared. Asians are not. Its just diversity by choice. Why wasn't the asian guy cut out.

why are people alarmed? This happens all the time in corporate meeting settings. Where blacks are excluded etc. Art always imitates life.

Anonymous said...

Racial Discrimination is real, and is not going away anytime soon. Image isn't everything its the only thing. Andre Agassi said that, and its true. Especially to clients. Would they risk diversifying their campaign and risk alienting their target audience in poland. Thats a tough dilemma. Its a sick world to think a group of people wouldn't buy a product based on seeing a particular person's race in a ad.

Photoshopping diversity into a picture is just as bad as photoshopping diversity out of the picture. Ad agencies have been doing this for a very long time. Its called tokenism.

Now when it comes to hiring they dont photoshop a person of color out, they just don't hire.