
Conditions Apply: Bowling Night

Black face? Night time bowling ad? Is this offensive? Or just poorly done advertising. I'd really like to know what you guys think. And you ad guys and gals from the big shops chime in too. We see you here... you don't have to leave your real name (so the slave massa won't get you).

FP7 Oman
Creative Director / Art Director: Noufal Ali
Copywriter: Arun
Illustrator: Sanoop Ramachandran
Photographer: Ivan Mladenov
Other additional credits: Ajay Menon, Najeeb, Ragav & Solomon


Anonymous said...

I feel it's an unhealthy mix of both. A poorly executed ad with racial undertones or in this case overtones!!! LOL. I know its almost 2010, but DAMN! Also why is the pin under the chin? hmmm. Blowing night? or Bowling night?

Craig said...

Anon! HAAAA!!!

FilthyGrandeur said...

i think there's definitely some racist imagery being well as obviously phallic imagery.

Amberella. said...

"The hole is large enough for the ball"? I don't know what's worse; the black face, the blow face or the fact that they're used together. Seriously what company would approve this??

Anonymous said...

Only thing better is if they were midgets and the red bands on the pins were lipstick.

shaun. said...

aannnnd, Im offended.

shaun. said...

wait a minute????

this is for sometype of interadvertising agency related bowling competition???? racially toned ads for the already raicially toned industry?????

get the hell out of here. This is for some 3rd party client? Im offended x 3.

Jennifer said...

Ridiculous, and as all the comments have noticed...the bowling pin imagery is obvious, the wording reads like a hormonal teenager wrote it (balls, holes, *insert giggles and Clearasil*)...the whole thing borders (maybe not) on an human resources issue.