
The Red House: Furniture for black people and white people!

Red House furniture makes it plain and simple. We are overly sensitive about race. But dammit they are trying!

I like it! It's plainly stated and honest. They clearly see the racial tension and feel compelled to do something (hello advertising agencies). Even though it's completely devoid of sophistication (read pretense), they do their best job of getting their hearts across and selling a little furniture too. I suspect they know the attention a little race talk will bring to their furniture store.

Red House Furniture in High Point, N.C.

Freak Nic'ed from Ad Freak

**UPDATE** Aww man, this spot wasn't as organic as I'd hoped. The spot was put together by a couple of internet comedians looking for publicity. See video below:


Unknown said...

this is got to be a store in NC, SC, AL, AK, Miss, or W VA hahahahha please do tell me dont make me google the freaking RED HOUSE

Craig said...

That is correct sir!
Red House Furniture in High Point, N.C.

3L said...

I laughed so hard I stared crying. Thank you for that. I haven't even read the post yet I have to catch my breathe, first.

3L said...

Okay. I actually feel better knowing that comedians were behind the commercial. I think that's was very creative.

Kellybelle said...

That. Was. Funny!!!!
LOL, the actors were so...real.

Jennifer said...

Too bad it was constructed. I really liked it. I still like it...I think they captured something in the ridiculousness of a bed being good for a white person or a black person and also in having the people state their race...that was really interesting!

Liz in Tucson said...

I am a little disappointed that it was so coached by "Internet Comedians," but I'm gonna buy a T-shirt because I admire, like Jennifer said, the company facing "the ridiculousness of a bed being good for a white person or a black person." Whether the comedians or the Redhouse management created the lines, the message is clear: people need quality furniture, and we can relax a little. Thanx, Redhouse, for this gutsy production. (Just how cheesy are those comedian guys, anyhow?)

Deanna said...

Actually--the ad was produced as a marketing promotion by a company called MicroBilt, who hired the two funny guys to make the commercials--but anyone can nominate any business to get what they call a "local commercial." There are some really funny ads they've done (and to answer your questions--CHEESY beyond belief-you can see them at

I had found and blogged about this ad too--more from the perspective of unconscious bias between whites and blacks when meeting for the first time--do people of different races assume trust or distrust unconsciously?

Thought the ad was interesting from that perspective, because if you have to state that both Blacks and Whites love Red House Furniture, the unconscious assumption is that perhaps this is not the norm, that we might agree on something--do we unconsciously assume that someone from another race won't like us first, BEFORE we assume a neutral first connection?

But, this may go beyond the ad and spirit of your post, but stopped by and thought it interesting you had found it too.

Craig said...

Thanks Deanna!