
Designer /Art director: Quinton Cameron

This is a brief glimpse into a massive talent.

Quinton Cameron can design...

Quinton Cameron can Art Direct...

Quinton Cameron can Illustrate...

Quinton Cameron can Concept ideas for your commercial...

(This is what they settled on, if I told you how dope his original idea was... some part of your inner dome would simply swell, fluids would seep, vision would blur & you would die.)

Quinton Cameron can even design your website...

...I believe I heard someone say that general market agencies can't find any talented African American candidates? Ooooooh, this is what Ralph Ellison meant by "Invisible Man."

Quinton Cameron
See more Black, brains & brilliance here.


shaun. said...

i love bermuda.

Craig said...

Bermuda rocks! Quinton rocked that Bermuda ad!

Adrian Franks said...

I love when cats give mofo props on the work. CHeers mate.


Craig said...

A.D.! What up! When can I profile you?!