Really? Most certainly. Most assuredly. For certain. For sure. Fo-shizzle? There is a very fine line to walk when using slang in ads. Do you wait until a phrase is a part of the common vernacular? Or do you go super targeted for a slightly defined burgeoning market with esoteric terminology? It's hard to say. This was a little bothersome for me. I know a lot of people like this but, I wonder how many people were offended by it.
I've already made an ambigous statement about the new Pepsi logo. https://sites.google.com/site/mayuradocs/PinIt.png
You like the the Pepsi logo? I don't. I don't even like this campaign. Reminds me of what we did with AT&T two-years ago. Booty.
Pepsi logo, um, http://kissmyblackads.blogspot.com/2008/10/new-pepsi-logo.html
at least they didn't go old school with mo fo
MO FO LOL, would be a welcome attempt at humor.
I gotta admit that the new Pepsi logo looks like a million to billion dollar nightmare...I say billion because that's what I hear they paid the agency [insider info...don't ask or I might go missing]...
But this ad seems like a blatant attempt to reach out to a demographic that they have already (in their minds) marginalized...Like really sit down and think about this...who the hell says Fo Sho! anymore...maybe that uncle (that you don't see often) with the S-Curl that still has that kitted out conversion van with the little card table and the burgundy carpeting on the inside of the van...I can smell the curl activator even as I describe it...It almost makes me feel like I should be jive talkin' somebody...and where they put this ad and ads like it (bus stops, very "urban" areas and convenience stores) further cements that they are really out of touch and don't even want to be in touch with who consumes the product...but I digress...
To be honest though, this ad and the way that they are targeting it seems like Pepsi is really trying to hold on to the hipness while trying to re-establish a brand that people already knew, loved and recognized right off the bat...Now I couldn't tell you which one is the Pepsi product because it seeps into the crowded shelving of the soda aisle...to which even "Sam's Choice" sodas are even more memorable than the entire Pepsi lineup rebranding...
Yo Shaun,
From the landmarks on the bus stop and the street sign in the background I could tell you that it's a SEPTA bus stop which always means Philadelphia and it's cross street is 4th and that white pole with the orange sign facing backwards means that it's in the lower half of the city closer to the river...that would definitely put you near Old City/Society Hill/South Street/ Front Street(aka South Philly)...so that may mean that it's in one of those funky ready for gentrified areas...perfect for a sign like that...
Sorry to get all CSI on ya'll...I grew up in Delaware and Philly was our playground so to speak...so you know where you are when you see it...
Kwesi is absolutely right. that is in Philly, I saw it in Southwest "Cascade" atlanta. This is targeted to the coloreds! I was pissed when I saw it.
damn. that was some CSI business you just pulled. impressive.
I can actually tell you exactly which intersection that bus stop is at with just a little extra CSI. Based on the bus routes listed, it's at 4th and Market, about a block east of Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, etc.
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