
Obama Art Movement

I realize we see it everywhere but I would be sadly remised if I overlooked one of the most organic and grass roots campaigns in the history of America. The Obama team has managed to create a groundswell of political awareness & social activism this nation hasn't seen in years. The beauty is not just in the art but in the hearts and minds of public respondents. Americans are rediscovering a love of America and are harkening back to it's founding tenets at unprecedented rates. This is a movement and we are all a part of a mechanism of greatness.


Jewelry Rockstar said...

Yes, you're right. I took a regular Obama tee-shirt and made it into a jacket. People just rave about it!

Franklin said...

These are nice.

I sometimes wonder, however, if being such a darling of the 'artsy-fartsy' folks is a negative to some people.

I highlighted some other Obama inspired work here.

Thanks for the visit.

- Franklin

Craig said...

Franklin, Yours and a few other's totally inspired mine. I dig your blog! Holla.