
Colors of Black People

NOTE: There is no "very black." Only white people use this term. To blacks, "black" is black enough (and in most cases too black, since the majority of black people are not nearly so black as your black pocketbook). If a black person says, "John is very black," he is referring to John's politics, not his skin color.

From the book 'Oreo' by Fran Ross

By Fran Ross
Paperback, 224 pages
University Press of New England
List Price: $22.95


1 comment:

Stan said...

Funny thing is, that chart above is exactly how I describe African American skin color. I tend to be very particular and I don't like it when people call someone light skinned if they aren't or Dark if they are only brown skinned.

We are all Black, and that is the truly beautiful part