
Old Spice goes from Good to Grizzly

Now we all know topping Old Spice's recent track record won't be easy. So much so, we don't expect it. But dang -- come on, what is going on here. It's as if the same shop isn't working on this project anymore. Someone brought up a great point; it's football season and they are now catering to this segment. To that I say, smart change of direction. The 'Man' campaign was initially targeted to women... and some men. But it actually garned wider attention because the combination of writing, concept, planning, acting, acting & acting made for the perfect brew of ad-awesomeness. Which I must say makes anything that may follow an easy target for criticism. I mean who remembers what Wendy's aired after 'where's the beef' or what band-aid brand will do after 'stuck on a band-aid?' Even if you watched these Ray Lewis spots just on their own merits, they are mostly forgettable. However I think they work for the moment and that just may be enough. Not everything needs to be an instant classic.

See the commercial after the jump.



Lee said...

You hate Ray Lewis! That whole Buckhead thing happened years ago. Let it go, man. Let it go.

Seriously, I agree that these are "for the moment". No more, no less. You know, potato chips—no nutritional value, but still fun to eat.

On a (slightly) deeper level though, I think they illustrate just how hard it is to maintain a streak of great work (different ideas, well executed, over time, that move the brand forward). I'm not sure of the genealogy, but I'm assuming the Terry Crews spots were also produced by the same agency. And they were just as forgettable as these.

Stop hatin' Ray bro...

Craig said...

LOL! Lee, I don't hate Ray (I'm trying to stay alive), to the contrary, I'm glad he's doing so well. For the record: I aint never say nuthin' bad bout RAY. LOL!

shaun. said...

old spice fail. how sad.

Jewelry Rockstar said...

"animal wanna learn how to talk so they can be me????" Really??? that's boooring. Luckily your post of the other dude is just below.