
Why I'm Voting Tea-Party Tees

No need to look foolish this political season with this line of stylish and erudite tees. You'll be the envy of the hog-calling & anything fried-on-a-stick set at this years Po-dunk Parade and Festival.

Purchase your reason here.



Jennifer said...

Ooooh, this is some ignorant stuff, *but* a friendly question regarding the "hog-calling...Po-dunk..." commentary...or maybe a comment: That doesn't seem right to go there by defining the Tea party with these stereotypes of the people who make up the party (a stereotyping that could be seen as based on race). I think it makes it too easy to justify their nonsense and not engage in a real discussion about the problems with their politics. Just a thought meant with full respect!

Tonia Lee Smith said...

I'm a little torn with this one.

Craig said...

Jen you always keep me on my toes. I was mirroring the tee-shirts, a little less tactfully I might add. But all in jest. Although in truth I don't give much credence to the tea party's message coming from a white mouth, black mouth, etc. It tends to be steeped in half-truths and misdirected anger.

Craig said...

@Tonia why torn by these?

Jennifer said...

Oh, I see!

Craig said...

I love all the tea party and all their constituency. God bless them/us all. I hope they help lead to positive change.

Craig said...

Jen, here's a great article on the billionaire backers of the Tea Party.

Check out some of the rich string pullers.

Craig said...


Jewelry Rockstar said...

Obama wants to pay inner city teachers $2.00 more per year that's why I'm voting Tea Party!

Obama wants Mexicans to get breast augmentations on my dime, that's why I'm voting Tea Party!

Obama wants to take my 8 passenger hummer away because he don't realize me and my wife and Jesus need that to drive over your chest (hehehe, private joke) That's why I'm voting Tea Party!!!!