
Stefan Sagmeister: Chartered Bank "Here for Good"

Stefan Sagmeister is considered by many as the greatest designer of all time and certainly one of my favorites. He does highly conceptual work and he's from Austria.  Sagmeister works in New York and is recognized for the diversity of his projects, having worked for clients like Adobe, Rolling Stones, Talking Heads, Aerosmith, and have won major awards, like the recent Lucky Strike Award 2009 .
Anyway, the guy's new project is somewhat ambitious. In partnership with TBWA, Sagmeister can be considered the star of the new global campaign for Standard Chartered Bank, called Here For Good .
For 40 years the brand of the investment bank Standard Chartered had not released a global campaign. The recent sponsorship of Liverpool is now the reason for launching the slogan "Here for good." Africa, Asia and the Middle East already receive a campaign to emphasize the brand promise to be a positive force in every business and assist communities in creating a prosperous and sustainable future.
TV ads, billboards, print and even digital, everything has the unmistakable touch of Sagmeister. There is no denying. The guy is THE GUY. And if you enjoy his work, be sure to buy the book " Things I Have Learned In My Life So Far ", the Ypsilon2 recommends.

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