
Kiss My White Ads

Seriously? In the year Twenty-- F'n -- Ten, this is still a campaign position. I guess it's just not closeted language any more, huh? Thanks Glenn Beck.


Chai said...

was NOT prepared for it...WTH!

Craig said...

you know Chai, you were not prepared for that cuz you live in the real world. Which by the way this dude is not prepared for.

Jewelry Rockstar said...

This has to be shut down! We can't stop at voting in Obama! We must continue to show them that we meant what we said when we voted him in.

Unknown said...

*awkward pause, looks down, looks up "Does it to you?"

He lies. Southern jargon is not English.

Anonymous said...

Heres the sad part of it, many southeners still think and act like this the GOP is hoping that the almighty white vote will help them in november midterms. You see it in arizona u see it at tea parties. Carefully worded statements like this striking to the very hearts of white america. The overall themes of these messages is "whites, we need to take back our land from mexicans, arabs and blacks and that kenyan obama!"

Here's the thing many whites will view this and be disgusted but they also have hidden racist agendas of their own, just because a person doesnt say racist things doesn't mean he or she cant do racist things behind closed doors.

Even look at the advertising industry many whites discriminate but will do the "jerseys for distant shores" "helping haiti" or go preach at a local urban college about "careers in advertising" to massage their guilt about refusing to hire blacks in the industry.

RACISM IS ALIVE AND WELL, I'm SURPRISED PEOPLE GET scared when they see commercials like this, whites still havent gotten over the fear of other cultures. The evidence is right in front of our faces.

indigo. said...

*AHEM* I has a comment to add to dis!

I happen to live in Alabama, and I see this commercial a lil' more often than I'd like.

I'm 16, and I don't happen to know much about politics, but I do know bullshit when I smell it.

And I smells dat manure on dis here ad-ma-tisement.

Alabama's government is SO corrupt and ridiculous. I can't wait to leave for college elsewhere.

Tafari said...

This campaign position is certainly questionable but If you cannot read a test or forms to get a license, how the heck will you read road signs?

My position on this topic is not very popular but this is America & we all have something to say.

We should have a national official language. Don't want to speak or learn to speak English, maybe you're in the wrong place.

Craig said...

Tafari, I see your point. The fact is the overwhelming majority do or will speak Anglish. This dude is really just sending out a message to his racist constituents in their undercover racist codes. He is simply race baiting and fear mongering.

Citizen Ojo said...

And the South shall rise again!!! The Southern Strategy still has some legs. Don't sleep on it. The southern Republicans heard the news about whites becoming a minority in 2050. They are putting in a last ditch effort. They aren't going down without a fight.

Amy said...

I appreciate your PO very much the picture with the article. Continues to refuel!!

Tax Preparer said...

Your add is fantastic, but i m not ready to Kiss your add.