
War Poster Propaganda

These posters are from a bygone era but they no less shocking. They remind me of the hate we spewed after 9/11. Is this kind of thing ever right? What's really funny is how the fear factor was used to encourage people to work harder.


Jennifer said...

Wow. Of course I think it's never right. How amazing that the tool used to encourage Americans was to demonize Japanese people. How interesting would a history or art/media class be if this was included in the discussion. As it stands, people have to seek out this information...very interesting.

FilthyGrandeur said...

(I actually took an art history class a year ago that discussed images such as these--very interesting).

these are just horrific. i found the second one to be the worst: threat of rape from a brown invader. gotta protect the precious american white women from getting raped, because they're not raped by white men. ugh. this stereotype has been played into for a long time (and still persists in many ways).

what all of these images have in common is the embrace of dehumanizing features. it is easier to invoke fear and hatred in you with the aim of inciting violence (i.e. war) if you perceive your enemy to be threatening. above all, it's easier to kill, or justify killing, an enemy that you do not view as human.

Unknown said...

They remind me of the hate we spewed after 8/11. Don't you mean 9/11 ?

Anonymous said...

Actually, Jeff, he's talking about the attacks on the US of 8/11/01. A Japanese man kicked over a sandcastle and these posters rose up in the aftermath.

Unknown said...

I totaly forgot about the sand castle disaster of ought one.

Craig said...

pays to know your history jeff.