
COCO Identity

simple, elegant, striking.



shaun. said...

that is nice

Bri said...

It's tasteful and quite nice...It's just always strange to see coconuts dry and out of their husks as if it's assumed they grow like that.
I see it in western cartoons all the time...coconut trees with brown fuzzy fruits and I'd (as a child) go outside and look at the coconut trees in my yard and wonder where Popeye got his nuts because they didn't look like the ones we grew. :]

Craig said...

Bri, LOLOLOLOL! That's exactly what people think, "coconuts grow brown." So funny.

Uchiwali Tha ExtraTerrestrial said...

What's really sad is i was one of those people who used to draw coconuts this way until i went to HU and had the fresh coconut water on Georgia Ave.

Popeye lied to the kids!

Anywhoo... beautiful and clever branding!