
Which Mad Men Am I?

So, I'm watching the MadMen last night. Good episode, I like it when they focus a bit on the creative process and how nutty client demands can be. Any whats, they go to a little MadMen promo and I spot this web thingy that let's you see which 'Mad Men' are you. I thought I'd check it out, suffice it to say as with most things advertising & multi-cultural, it didn't go well.


shaun. said...

i dont believe you.

Craig said...


that's the one I got.

shaun. said...

oh man. Im shocked an appauled.

Craig said...

I'm joking. but I joke from personal experience.

Also from watching the show. have you seen the show?

We are only servants on that show.

Craig said...

I'll give you $100 dollars for every lie you find in that post!

Anonymous said...

It's true that we are only servants on that show, and it bothers me, but it's historically accurate. And yet I keep watching. Peggy's going to take over that company one day, I hope...

Craig said...

Adrienne, I'm with you - i can't stop watching that show. Black people are represented poorly on it. But I keep on watching.

shaun. said...

i knew it.

amc doesnt have the balls to do that.

But on the issue of black representation. I watch and dont get too offended because i keep in mind the time period. and then i think...if they did the show today, the only thing that would be different is that black people wouldnt be slaves. we still dont rep in this industry. and when we do, it partly to fill a quota. But the issue runs deeper. it's a cultural thing. adlife is not a safe career (not that any other really is), but on the other hand...there is no support that would make minorities want to get into the industry. at a young age, i have seen some truly horrid shit go down in an interview. but i digress.

you almost got me.

and to the peggy comment. she needs to know her role and learn it better before she progresses anywhere. there is a think line between talent and what you have "earned."


Craig said...

shaun, you mean you didn't get the black guy? maybe you answered the questions wrong??? LOL!

I keep getting the black guy!


Anonymous said...

Only thing that has changed is a few token level hires, and a couple of brave voices willing to speak out. Blacks in general in this business are so shook and afraid when it comes to racial issues in advertising, stop fearing these white guys, their not even the president and we got organizations like adcolor who wont call them out on their own BS. Oh I forgot adcolor is funded by the industry so they wont speak out anyways. oh well......

hadiyah daché said...

I stopped watching after the third episode this season (or was it the fourth) when ol' boy performed in Black Face at his party.

Craig said...

dachévision, That was episode was disastrous. My continued viewership is a testament to my love hate relationship with all things advertising.