
ANTM Jumps on the Blackface Bandwagon?


Here we go again
Looks like Tyra Banks has joined the Blackface fashion craze. Tonight’s episode of America’s Next Top Modelfeatures the remaining contestants on location in Maui. The concept of the shoot is to attempt to make the contestants look biracial — hence some rocking brown skin.
Yes, there was a similar shoot some seasons ago, however, amidst the controversy brought on by the fashion industry’s recent obsession with Blackface, we’re perplexed as to why Tyra chose to give this concept the green light. We understand that the whole Blackface issue sparks heated debate, but that’s only because of it’s historical context. Many see such imagery as purely artistic, but non-White folks are not caricatures meant to inspire costumery.

Clutchettes and gents — we’d like to hear your take on this. Has ANTM caught Blackface mania? If so, is it acceptable when commissioned by a Black woman?

sourced entirely from Clutch (DeDe don't kill me)


shaun. said...

hahaha....i was watching it last night and i said the same thing. lol.

FilthyGrandeur said...

again with this? didn't we just have this conversation?? oh yeah, we did...

Black People Suffer From PTSD said...

She must needs the rating extremely bad. Wow. I'm speechless.

Craig said...

PTSD, she suffers from PTDS(S) too. Post too damn stupid syndrome.

I'm sorry was that mean. I take it back.

I don't want to be mean. Even thought this really makes me mad and I don't think that she considered anyone else's feelings.

Brit said...

tyra banks is a wacky broad without a single original or intelligent thought in her big balloon head. I can't stand by 99.999994% of the things she does.


Craig said...

Dayum, you aint never lied.

Remember when she told the black model to "stay out of the sun" and that she should "never tan!"

Ms Banks needs help.

FilthyGrandeur said...

i also recall Tyra telling one (probably several) of the contestants that they need to correct how they speak, i.e. they talk too ghetto. wtf? why are we correcting the ways these women speak?

Craig said...

FG, don't get me started on that. Her whole premise is to make all women fell like crap and that her way is the right way. Her issues play out too much via her shows.

Issues... did I mention her ignorance. I mean we are all works in progress, it's just that her "silly pulpit" stands to misguide lots of young people.

Brit said...

i also want to add that i'm so sick of the whole "brown skin = tribal" thing. how does no one see the problem here?

Craig said...

Great point Brittney!
I think everybody's so appalled by tyra's callousness that we all overlooked the layers of especially deep and flagrantly tasteless ignorance being served up here.

It's like a soufflé of deep dish self hate.