
The making of the Blueprint III cover

And you thought it was all Photoshop...


Patricia said...

yep, I definitely thought it was all Photoshop. This is awesome..

Jennifer said...

I love that this is handmade, if you will. Nice to see all the work that went into it!

Anonymous said...

Cover is absolute TRASH! I'm so tired of people praising EVERYTHING mr carter does. And as far as it being a "Black" production....the only Person of color I saw in that clip was the "Designer" Greg Burke. Absolute Trash!

Craig said...

Thanks for leaving a comment. I wish you would say why you feel it's trash, we'd like to hear you point of view. It seems like it would be interesting.

No one ever said it was black. We just thought it was interesting. It doesn't have to be black to be here. Read the 'about' section in the left if you get a chance. All are welcome.

But technically The billionaire mogul behind it all Jay-Z is black...