Dude is louder than a bomb! He's a pit-bull with a script! He's got that 1920's carnie swag. He sounds like he's hawking impossible to win boardwalk games, "THREE TOSSES FOR-A-DOLLAR... AND THAT'S NOT ALL YA GET... !" And it works. I know somebody may want to take away my black card. Note to white friends: Black people have cards that we arbitrarily take away from each other for the smallest of offenses. Like; wearing loafers, working in advertising or liking Billy Mays. But I don't give a damn, I'm putting it all out there. Billy was the shizz-tick. I tivo his reality show. I watch his commercials leaning forward and never turn the volume down. Billy sells shit. He doesn't go for the pretty sh*t either, no overly produced spots with actual soundtracks and scores and sh*t. He gets real gutter with it. "Hi, I'm Billy Mays and I'm selling the hell out of these here nut sweat pads... !" And the real f•cked up part is; I'm buying it! I need those irrelevant ass nut sweat pads! Billy gets to the heart of what advertising is all about and then clogs all it's arteries with as much sweet sticky chunky product huckstering as it can stand. Then he actually clocks the dollars he makes or doesn't make. With a $10,000 budget and a two minute commercial dude can outsell most big shops second for second, dollar for dollar.
The bearded one is the master. One. https://sites.google.com/site/mayuradocs/PinIt.png
Wow...this one was surprising as well...I think I'll miss Billie Mays...he was a more extreme Ron Popeil...and easier to buy from than Vince the Sham Wow guy...
And Craig you can keep your black card on this one...I think Billie already had a hood passport...
Thanks K.A., that was a close one.
i loled at the "nut sweat pads" part. i also had no idea about the black cards. i wish i could take white cards from other white people, but then, we're not cool to begin with. ahh, the dilemma...
it's such a shame he passed...how many more are we going to lose this month??
FG, I hope no one else this month, one day left.
Another "celebrity" who was 50 just died. He had a lot going for him.
May Billy Mays rest in peace despite some of the negative things people say.
Ace, dude was making things happen, there's a void in the game!
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