
Baby Bangs? Why?

This is a real product.

Folks, this is when advertising just goes wrong. At least the spot doesn't look professionally done. Below is a quote from the company.

Any parent with a baby daughter whose hair is slow-growing or non-existent has undoubtedly encountered a stranger who says, “What’s his name?” or “What a cute little guy!” BabyBangs were designed with that common occurrence in mind. One of the company’s taglines is “I’m not a boy,” and their innovative product helps little princesses to make that clear.

What's next "infantile extensions" or maybe "Wittle Weaves." My eyes burn.


Dawn said...

Yikes! And SNL had a ridiculous skit on a product just like this that we laughed at BECAUSE it was so stupid!

shaun. said...


Anonymous said...

I vote for wittle weaves..that's hilarious!!! a better tagline "When you have too much crown and not enough glory"

Craig said...

JcC, you must be a copywriter, that tagline is perfection.

Anonymous said...

Chill out you guys you really shouldn't be all that surprised, people invent all types of things these days!

I think its so cute, wow I wish I would've thought of that! That's the same thing I said when those baby high heels came out, Mother's love their babies and will do anything to make them more beautiful than they already are. I think it's a seller and it's a great idea-how creative (hair attached to a hair band)!!!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous....why not stat black women on their hair identity crisis while they are still in the crib. Thank you colonization!